Enhancing mental health through training on grief and trauma-informed care (TIC)
Carolyn has been working with people for over ten years in different variations of counseling including substance abuse, mental health, eating disorders, grief and loss to name a few. She also has extensive experience working with persons with developmental disabilities. Recently Carolyn served as a director of a facility for women who are in treatment for substance abuse and mental health with Cazenovia Recovery Systems Inc and teaches Psychology at Bryant and Stratton College. Carolyn's workshops are powerful and interactive. She has a unique ability to create major cultural shifts in organizations.
She was kind and passionate and easy to talk to. She made me want to finally be honest with myself. so that I could get to proper healing. She helped me with rebuilding relationships with my family and making amends and also working through my trauma and grief. I am forever grateful and I firmly believe that meeting her changed my life! - Client
Attending Carolyn's training on trauma-informed care helped me better understand the young people I worked with and gave me the language to build a more supportive and loving environment. It was a game-changer. - Alexys Swygert, Buffalo Prep
Grief And Trauma Informed Care (TIC) Workshops Learning Outcomes:
Implement cultural and organizational changes that support TIC
Create healthy working conditions with an emphasis on self-care
Enhancing staff and client retention through the use of trauma-informed language and gestures
Sexual Harassment Training
Learning Outcomes:
Develop skills to maintain a safe and professional workplace
Management techniques that create an inclusive workplace
Minimize the likelihood of claims of sexual harassment
To Schedule A Workshop For Your Organization, Please Fill Out this Form and We Will Respond Within 48 Hours